
What are spider veins?
Spider veins are small red, blue, or purple dilated vessels on the surface of your skin. Normally, they’re found on thighs, calves, ankles, and faces. They’re often a cosmetic concern. The primary factors contributing to the development are heredity, pregnancy, hormones, weight gain, and prolonged standing / sitting. Spider veins occur more frequently in women.
  • Pronounced red, blue, or purple veins
  • Aching
  • Itching
  • Burning
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Treatment - Sclerotherapy
This treatment injects a solution, called a sclerosing agent, into the affected spider veins. This causes slight irritation to the inner lining of the vein, resulting in its closure. Sclerotherapy can last up to 30 minutes per session and each vein may require more than 1 injection. Some results may be seen immediately, while others can take up to several weeks.
Post Treatment
After Sclerotherapy, your leg must be supported for your veins to heal properly. We can accomplish this by wearing compression bandages or graduated support stocking. Support stockings look like tall socks and may cause minimal discomfort.
Is Sclerotherapy painful?
A small gauge needle is used to perform the sclerotherapy injections. Most patients relate the discomfort to an ant bite.
What happens after the spider vein treatment?
Recovery periods may differ from treatment to treatment. Following sclerotherapy, support stockings have to be worn on each leg that received treatment. We encourage daily walking and a return to normal routine activities.
It’s time for you to start living comfortably again. We’re here to help you with that.
How long will the results last?
The average recurrence rate for most of the venous procedures is 90%. Follow-up procedures may be desired to obtain optimal aesthetic results.